>be me
>meet 19 y/o at work
>shes chubby and socially awkward
>we talk for a while
>I'm overly nice as usual even though i have no attraction to her
>she talks about how all men are stupid
>i say "im not stupid tho"
>yeah but you're not into me
>shes right about that being a 4/10
>i supercringe and tell her shes beautiful
>she blushes and gives me her #
>I gather from her texts that she's a kissless betafag
>I take her out to a fancy restaurant
>take her home afterwards and she starts to exit awkwardly
>i grab her arm and pull her in
>arent you gonna invite me in?
>"noo my grandma is waiting up for me"
>cool i can meet her
>she finally gives in
>granny loves me
>she tells me funny stories while her land whale grandaughter sits in embarrassment
>we finally make it up to her room
>shes really nervous but I get her nude.
>bang like brown bananas on every surface of the room
>she says we should take a break cause she can hear her granddaughter crying downstairs.
Grannybanger inc.
Pls never stop doing these. its 10/10