Lol well you, since you aren't giving any facts. You just keep declaring yourself right. I can do that too see, I'm right, you look stupid!
Man I didn't know arguments were this easy to win. Please quote our comments where I avoided answering your questions or got it wrong. Because I didn't but everytime I prove.
Ill show you how to do it so you know what it's like.
You told me that when I said you got all the attention, that it was impossible to to get all the attention because there are other people on the forums outside of you. I politely explained that you and me are the know ones who even know this conversation is going on, so all the people involved in this conversation is only you, I tried to explain that to you, but you began ignoring that argument and even insisted I was proving you right but provided no proof. Just said you u were right.
So please as I have provided an example of me directly Answering your argument, please explain when and how you won an argument.
Also, at this point km just having fun, this conversation was never going anywhere from the start but it's highly. Entertaining.
You threw yourself into this conversation for God knows why, when you u were never involved in the first place, and you continue arguing. I guess because you have to feel like you "win" that's cool man. Your arguments are too easy.
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