I'm at 3415
Woah 180 replies!!!! Keep it coming.
250+ lets hit 350
Edit: what's ur new ttk grimore score comment below
I think its somewhere... [spoiler]OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND![/spoiler]
What is max for xbox?
I have a 2700+ grim score
Mines max
3605, so close to max.
Without Xbox live gold (no strikes and crucible) and no dlcs mine is about 2260
Ze maximum.
3620 sidearms public events salvage rumble vip kills... Not exactly motivation to max
3600 even :)
How I felt when I reached mine. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
I recently just got into tracking my score. It is 2910 I know that is a lil low for a vanilla destiny player.
Maxed out, 3655
3370... just started really paying attention to this score about a month ago when I ran out of other stuff to do.... mostly crucible stuff left...(yipee!)