It's only important in pve lol. It's invaluable for dismantle mines imo
Invisibility is more of a PVP geared thing. Great for getting the drop on someone. In PVE, it doesn't last long enough to be very useful.
I don't think you play pvp, lol
If you think that, then you clearly don't.
I have 8 days of pvp on my hunter alone. I had more on my warlock. Anybody with half a brain would know that you should choose hungering blade instead of stalker and QuickDraw instead of shadow jack. Seriously dude?
Everybody knows, huh? Or is it just that is what you think, and therefore it is what is best and what everyone should do? I'm thinking it's the latter. If you rely on hungering blade you are a bad hunter.
LOL Screenshot, FTW
Hey, if you want to remember making yourself look dumb, that's cool with me.