No its not a murica thing freedom is not a USA only idea or practice we are just horrible at it. We preach freedom and spout how great we are yet force our thinking and what we deem as the "right thing" on others.....so much for freedom.
So do Trans people get arrested for being trans? Oh you mean you don't understand freedom, free to do as you please doesn't mean free from society, not saying it's ok to judge but if your idea of freedom is free from ridicule then you don't understand freedom
No that's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking that we preach freedom yet force our views worldwide. We go on and on freedom this freedom that. Yet in the same hand we blast people who have different views or ethics as us. It's the number one reason why most of the world hates America
It's not a flaw with America, it's a flaw with true freedom. That includes the freedom to an opinion, which people don't like others to have. The flaw that America has is there's too many people who refuse to try and see it from someone else's point of view, or at the very least accept that someone can in fact have an opinion other than your's.
Pretty much. Freedom flag waving one hand, pitch fork and can of gas in the other.
*sob* You nailed it so hard, if I had a "you da real MVP" picture, it would go here.