Are you kidding me? First Troy Baker and now Nolan North. This is quite frankly ridiculous. This comment IS transphobic. It doesn't matter if YOU think it's transphobic or not, a trans person -could- and probably does find this offensive and upsetting. There's a difference between having a sense of humor and making a nasty joke like this which could make someone feel like less of a person. If he had made a racist joke would you still be excusing him, because if you would then I'm sorry but you are part of the problem. However it's not Bungie's job to police North, rather just tweet at him directly and let him know this kind of behavior isn't okay.
Who cares theyer freaks and probably know it.they need to accept theyer the sex they are and stfu about it
Did y'all ever stop to consider that you guys linking/sharing this stuff spreads the hurt? I mean, you get to feel good about burning the "monster" and all, but it does nothing but breed more infighting. This isn't to say you should stay quiet, but maybe remember you're talking to another human being, and that the volume of hate slung towards him far outstrips any good done by it. Take that energy and put it towards something that benefits your fellow siblings, otherwise it's just column inches to chew on till the next haul.
If that mentally ill train wreck Bruce Jenner didn't want anybody making fun of him, then he shouldn't have been such an attention seeking child about it. You want to be a woman? Fine. I don't care. But why am I force fed this kind of thing when I don't seek it out? And god forbid I don't agree with it. Then I am a savage and a racist and I don't deserve to live blah blah blah. Liberty or death, my friend. I will live free from the rigid social constraints of a weak and bitter modern society. I am a free man.
Anyone can find anything offensive. The only problem are people who are too sensitive about everything. Good luck with your life.
That's a good one. You mind if I use that some time?
you have my blessing go spread my word
Thank you! My life is going pretty good so far :D Good luck in yours too.
It was a joke. He wasn't being transphobic. Any moron with two brain cells to rub together can see that.
Sorry but it's A) Not a funny joke and B) It's a joke that implies that Caitlyn has let herself go and now looks like a man. I don't care if it's a friend of his picture or whatever, it's offensive as -blam!-, and it -is- transphobic. Jokes like these weren't funny when Troy Baker made them, they certainly aren't funny coming from Nolan North either. The "joke" is offensive and he should apologize.
News flash..... Caitlyn Jenner does look like a man.....
I don't know what men you're looking at, but I don't see someone who looks like a man when I look at Caitlyn Jenner. Bye Felicia.
I have yet to see a Trans that you couldn't tell they're real sex. So yeah, man
It was an inside joke with his friend. It was more for his and his social circles entertainment than the rest of the publics. Whether or not you/we think it's a good joke is irrelevant
The joke may not be that funny, but it's a joke. In what way is it transphobic? He isn't scared of Trans people, and he even used the correct pronoun when talking about Jenner. That's more respectful then most people are. As for offensive, there's this thing called freedom of speech. People are allowed to make offensive jokes about other people. People make offensive jokes about celebrities all the time. This joke was barely offensive, and worse things have been said about Jenner that she hasn't cared about.
"Transphobia (or much less commonly transprejudice) is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity (see Phobia – Terms for prejudice)." That is what Transphobia means, it does not mean he's afraid of someone. The word phobia does not automatically denote fear of something. In this case, this "joke" as you keep so nicely referring to it is antagonistic toward Caitlyn Jenner because even though he uses her proper pronoun's, he is still implying that if she were to let herself go, she might look similar to his clearly male friend there. Implying that a woman who has transitioned would look male if they "let themselves go" is inherently transphobic. Freedom of Speech is there so there are not legal consequences to what you say, however there can and will ALWAYS be social consequences to what you say.
But if HE let HIMself go, wouldn't He actually look like a man? Since when is the truth offensive?
"A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational." Look, I can quote stuff that makes me right too. Seriously, this is ridiculous. Of people like you had their way, every comedian on the planet would be out of a job. Allow me to reiterate, and hopefully this penetrates your thick skull. IT WAS A JOKE! If you seriously think jokes that make fun of people are absolutely horrible, and people shouldn't ever make them, I've got some bad news for you...
It a big reason why jerry Seinfeld and a lot of other comedians won't play to colleges. A lot of people have paper thin skin. Everything is real, can never be a joke. People should censor anything that might possibly hurt someone's feelings just by chance. It's other people's job to let everyone know including the alleged victim how to feel.
Well I mean that's a good thing though considering Seinfeld isn't particularly funny, so I'm kind of glad I won't be seeing him at my college campus anytime soon. There are plenty of jokes that are funny, hell Robin Williams usually found a way to be funny without being offensive toward other people.
Sad thing is a there is probably quite a few of robin williams jokes that would be a big no no today.
You can make fun of people without making fun of their very foundations of a person. You can make fun of people for having shitty personalities, but there are just some things you can and should not make fun of. One of those is a persons sexual orientation. Another is their race. Let me reiterate this for YOU. IT WAS NOT A FUNNY JOKE. It was offensive, and it was inexcusable. Plenty of comedians can and are funny without being misogynistic, transphobic, sexist, racist, etc. There are plenty of people on this Earth who are funny without being nasty people. Hey there's a subset of people who think racist jokes are funny. We can't condemn what they say right? They definitely should be able to put that humor out there for all to see so that their audience can get a laugh and feel good about themselves right? When you excuse this type of behavior, it doesn't stop here.
That is called freedom. In America jokes and stuff like that, no matter how offensive and to who, are protected by our fundamental rights. As is your right to speak out against them. And yes, some racial (all races) jokes are funny. Just as some religious jokes, homosexual jokes, and knock knock jokes. I am guessing that you are in your 20's and when you are in your 20's liberalism is exciting. It's when you get more life experience that you realize how idiotic it all really is. Live your life dude. Don't worry about social injustice. It will always be there.
I thought it was funny.
You know its sensitive little b*tches likes you that make this world a shitty place come on man open your eyes it was a JOKE who gives a shit if it was offensive I'm pretty sure that is what our first amendment right allows us to do