Why don't you post his response before you bring out the torches and pitch fork!
Never stop bumping!
And he shouldn't. Because he's allowed to have an opinion.
Indeed. He backpedalled in a craven, half-arsed way. His options were to apologise like a man, or stick to his guns like a man, and he did neither.
The third option being to offer a clarifying statement, which he did. He stuck to his guns by not apologizing, which he didn't feel he needed to do.
Apologize for what? Quit being a sensitive little bitch
He clearly appears to think he should apologise for something, or he wouldn't have issued a half-assed non-apology. Shit or get off the pot, Mr North.
Not at all, he had to clarify his post because Whiney little political correct bitches want to blow everything out of proportion. Everyone can have a joke cracked on them, gays, whites, blacks, straights it doesn't matter it's a f'n joke.
He didn't apologize.... people started ripping their dicks because his jab was apparently "transphobic". So he told them it wasn't a transphobic joke.
Edited by KarmijnHendriks: 8/28/2015 10:53:15 PMDonald Bump
Bump so that OP and people like him can pull their heads out of their asses.
Bump again
Bump against the ops stupidity
How typical that they would completely not mention this but made sure to call him transphobic. What a joke.
I agree :)
Necessary Bump is quite necessary.
Yes it is:))