As for me, I go with rarely. Even if I get salty sacks on my face, I won't t-bag to retaliate. I've only done it to friends and when I've played with a fireteam where we all decide to t-bag the same target if said target t-bagged first (gotta love it even you make someone rage quit).
When I'm in trials and I win or shutdown blade prancers really good also when they do it to me
Only when other people tea bag me
*rhabby_v" (A lot)
If your using thorn
When I kill sweaty tryhards
Only if i get triples/quads or if i get a extreamly good shot on someone and if i get a good nova (very rarly)
Me and my friends just teabag each other for funny times 👍
When I play the game -blam!- that guy
Only if they do it to me first because they think there better than me. Then I do it back to them.
I only tbag thorn users, dc if they tbag or not, if ot uses thorn ima tbag it.
No. It seems childish.
I tbag bladedancers only...because I hate hunters
I tbag if they do it first or if I shut them down in the middle of a super
If I get t-bagged first then of course I will
If I get t-bagged first. Or if I'm having a nemesis. I'll dance.
I only Tbag my friends
Only if someone repeatedly t-bags
I tbag if they do it first
Dance dance baby all day i just do it to get them mad lol and dang they get pissed
Tea bagging is for when someone fails a very cheesy tactic. It's kind of a subjective thing, but if a guy tries something really lame and easy, but I win anyway, I might tea bag. Usually dance or wave though. That said, I really encourage other to tea bag when they are against me, the more time they spend mocking me, the less time they spend helping their side win.
Only to my friends in rumble
Every win in trials, but that's it. Sometimes in regular crucible but only if the person tbags me first
Edited by RunDoc 118: 8/29/2015 12:46:18 PMI only t-bag in retaliation to someone who kills me in a cheap way like blink shotty or camping and t-bags me afterward. I will bag them every time I kill them after that which is usually easy since these people are mostly one trick ponies. I NEVER t-bag a guardian who has not bagged me first.