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8/28/2015 8:51:16 PM
Strictly speaking, jokes are made to offend. Being a joke doesn't make it suddenly not offensive, it simply makes it a joke and offensive at the same time.

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  • OK I see whats happening here. You were personally offended by the joke which is understandable. I get it. My point is that all jokes are not offensive. I am not saying "All transgender jokes are not offensive".

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  • I wasn't offended at all. So you lied.

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  • Did a quick search for Toni Dorsay and the term extremist, kook, crazy, insane, threatening violence against people, irredeemable troll came up. Not once did a result come up that said that said respected authority. Care to comment?

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  • So you pay a lot of attention to those who hate, instead of those who pay attention. Good for you. A search for me is going to miss the White House visits, the work on major documents, and the international efforts I am and have been a part of -- in no small part to the fact that I stopped doing much to care for my dying husband, and then the last year spent in mourning and avoiding mourning. So yes, I do care to comment: when you piss of that many actual trolls, you must be doing something right.

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  • Sorry for your loss

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  • Thanks and it has been a rough two years. Destiny is about the only thing that has made it bearable. Massive sob story and all, as that is just the tip of it. Killing hostile aliens with space magic is much preferable to deal with. A. E. D'orsay, PhD, MS, MA

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  • Pay attention? Skimmed first page of Google results

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  • Not all jokes are offensive, Did I really have to say that more than once?

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  • All jokes are offensive. Just because it is not offensive to some people does not make it not offensive. All that is needed is one person. Why is it that comedians know this, but the folks in the audience, by huge margins, do not...

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  • Sounds like your opinion to me. So tell me would would be offended by this [b]Q: Where do pencils go for vacation? A: Pencil-vania.[/b]

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  • Strictly speaking jokes are intended to amuse. Your characterization of all jokes being offensive is offensive to all comedians you should be shamed and your employer notified so they can fire you before your intolerance of comedians causes the m to lose business.

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  • Incorrect as well. The offense is what is amusing. Why is it that people who are ignorant about these things keep trying to talk about things they know very little about?

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  • A big tomato and a little tomato were talking. The big one turns to the other and says "Ketchup!" That's a joke. It offends no one. Jokes are not made to offend.

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  • Edited by TechRonin: 8/28/2015 9:15:20 PM
    Don't be so sure a truly dedicated liberal could argue that that little tomato not being able walk as fast as a big tomato is offensive to people of small stature by implying they and not equal to people of larger stature. I joke but its true

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  • But I do not believe it was "intended" to cause offense. That's kind of my argument :/ Like the difference between manslaughter and murder... [spoiler]I do feel for the little tomato, though :( Poor guy...[/spoiler]

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  • Your ability to apply logic and reason is as poor as your ability to understand the nature of jokes, I see.

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  • Strictly speaking jokes are meant to amuse, not offend. My above joke disproved your point but you can't accept it. There is nothing wrong with your opinions, if you think Nolans joke was offensive then ok, but don't harp on about about how all jokes are meant to offend when it isn't true.

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  • According to Psychology, you seem to be experiencing a form of overconfidence called fixedness. Don't get defensive however, it is part of how your mind works.

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  • As a psychologist, I can point out than unless you have a license, you should avoid trying to do something like this unless you enjoy being unethical and immoral.

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  • I'm just a sophomore in highschool taking an AP Psych class. See how I told the truth and didn't pull the "french model". (Reference to old insurance commercial)

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  • noun 1. a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. "she was in a mood to tell jokes" synonyms: funny story, jest, witticism, quip; Nothing about being offensive here

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  • Ah, yes, because a dictionary gives such an in depth understanding of a complex topic. Please, avoid that in the future for your well being.

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  • Ok, since the definition of a word is apparently not valid when discussing what a word means show me something that states all jokes are offensive.

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  • No. Your insistence, already, that we talking about a word and not a concept, is indicative that in order for you to grasp what is being said to you I would first have to teach you the basics. I don't work for free.

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  • Hey, this guy is making jokes on Psychology Today. You might want to let your peer know that he is being offensive.

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