Your ability to apply logic and reason is as poor as your ability to understand the nature of jokes, I see.
Strictly speaking jokes are meant to amuse, not offend. My above joke disproved your point but you can't accept it. There is nothing wrong with your opinions, if you think Nolans joke was offensive then ok, but don't harp on about about how all jokes are meant to offend when it isn't true.
According to Psychology, you seem to be experiencing a form of overconfidence called fixedness. Don't get defensive however, it is part of how your mind works.
As a psychologist, I can point out than unless you have a license, you should avoid trying to do something like this unless you enjoy being unethical and immoral.
I'm just a sophomore in highschool taking an AP Psych class. See how I told the truth and didn't pull the "french model". (Reference to old insurance commercial)
noun 1. a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. "she was in a mood to tell jokes" synonyms: funny story, jest, witticism, quip; Nothing about being offensive here
Ah, yes, because a dictionary gives such an in depth understanding of a complex topic. Please, avoid that in the future for your well being.
Ok, since the definition of a word is apparently not valid when discussing what a word means show me something that states all jokes are offensive.
No. Your insistence, already, that we talking about a word and not a concept, is indicative that in order for you to grasp what is being said to you I would first have to teach you the basics. I don't work for free.
Hey, this guy is making jokes on Psychology Today. You might want to let your peer know that he is being offensive.
He knows. I literally just talked to him while playing IB.
What an amazing coincidence that I just randomly picked a psychology website found an article with jokes and you just happen to be talking to that person small world
There is only about twelve journals with current humor articles in them, and only about seven studies in the us going on right now. Not all that coincidental.