"I don't think I want to stay I might just leave go back to life living on a planet in a lab or I might go home to Eden cluster"
[b]He nods.[/b] "Yeah it's kind of dangerous here but I won't leave these guys."
"I can't stay I'm not ment to be a soldier even if I am Genesis I think I'm just gonna leave"
[b]He nods.[/b] "I understand. When do you plan on leaning then?"
"Now while everyone's distracted and won't notice I'm gone"
"Well then, I guess this is good buy."
"It is I modified this Gunship so I can jump to the closest populated system then get an actual jump ship and head to the Eden cluster"
"Well good luck on your journey."
[b]she gets in the ship and takes off[/b]
[b]He waves as she leaves.[/b]
[b]the ship jumps out of the system[/b]
[b]Ge goes back inside.[/b]