originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
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So after a pretty long night with Guledan last night in the crucible, I started to think we need to do a little more then just raid here. Anyone interested in getting together for 2 designated nights a week (Once weekly and weekend) to do a few hours of crucible. This is merely a discussion to see if people are interested and what days and times would be the best for them. Feel free to let me know!
I'd be interested! I usually play Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday nights. I have 34 Titan, 33 Warlock, and 24 Hunter. I like Crucible Clash and really like Iron Banner. I'll run pretty much any mission, raid, and strike with anyone who asks. I'm on XBox One...GT-Yattasfury. Add me and/or send me an invite if you catch me online.