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originally posted in: Cyberpunk: An Open World RP
Edited by Banner: 8/29/2015 5:00:44 AM
[b]Catherine scans around Greenholm when she sees a man named Xavier Harcrow.[/b] [i]Harcrow? Isn't that who we're after?[/i] [b]Catherine calls Ellie.[/b] "Hey, Catherine. What's up?" "I was scanning and found a Harcrow." "Lester?" "No, it's someone named Xavier. He looks extremely rich." "Introduce yourself. You look rich, maybe he'll be friendly to you and you can get information." "Fine I'll go. Is Donovan able to help us out?" "No he's on a racing bounty right now. He'll hold up against the Black Coats." "Got it. Stand by." [b]Catherine hides her equipment and greets the Xavier.[/b] "Hello." "Hi. Who are you?" Catherine lies and says, "My name is Maggie. Who are you?" "Xavier. Nice to meet you. Are you new around here?" "Yes. You seem like a nice guy. Where are you going?" "Just heading home. Do you want to come?" "Sure It will be nice to have a friend around here." [b]They head to his mansion and they sit down to have a conversation.[/b] "So, what do you like to do." [b]Guards come in the room.[/b] "Well, I'm what you cal, a man of opportunity. I see you're wealthy, so I will naturally steal you family's money and tie up the loose ends. Luckily for you, I need to go right now so you have some time to live." "You asshole!" He taunts her saying, "I think you need some time out. That was very bad word!'" He shoots something from his wrist that which automatically handcuffs her. "Now if you excuse me, I have some loose ends to tie up back in a club Downtown, Cedyetica. Lock her up boys." "You won't get away with this!" "I already have." [b] She is stuck in a room upstairs. There are four guards outside the door.[/b] [i]Well those idiots didn't take my stuff. This should be easy.[/i] [b]She breaks the handcuffs against some of the furniture.[/b] "Good thing these are made for rich snobs with no training." [b] She teleports out, knocks out the guards, and sends Ellie a message on her tac pad.[/b] "He's heading Downtown, Cedyetica. Some club will be there and he's going to kill someone for 'unfinished business.' Get there ASAP." ((Closed))

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