If someone is truly comfortable with who or what they are, then no amount of criticism would ever affect them.
Taking offense from something is as much a choice has the person trying to give offense. Most of the time, when someone does take offense to something, it's because there is some truth in it. And I don't think that Nolan was trying to give offense in that manner either. He was just stating his opinion on someone. Just because someone is a transsexual does not mean that they deserve special treatment in anyway. EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THESE FORUMS has said something degrading or offensive to someone before INCLUDING OP. There are no exceptions.
Have you followed that tweet? I am ashamed to be from San Francisco and seeing all these dumb -blam!-ing people take that tweet out of context. Makes me want cry.
No I haven't followed it. I don't even want to get sucked into the bullshit
Yea stay away man. People are just too soft these days.
Only in America. Home of the soon to be not free, and land of the walking pussies. It's not what it used to be, that's for sure.