It's not getting a Y2 version unfortunately.
Great job anyways though.
All year one exotics are eventually going to be upgraded, just not right away.
[quote]Ice Breaker and Gjallarhorn They were emblematic of a problem in Destiny that needed to be fixed, and have been retired as Bungie feels they’ve begun to fix that problem. Luke graciously acknowledges the bullet sponge bosses that demanded their use, but also claims boldly that overpowered weapons like these have no place in the game when the bullet sponges have been removed. We think this is debatable; as fun as the new subclasses look, there’s something to be said for handing a player a crazy fun weapon like Ice Breaker, even if it unbalances certain aspects of a game. You have to weigh balance against other aspects sometimes. Luke reminds us that Bungie wanted the arrival of TTK to feel “like a different season” and that part of cultivating that atmosphere involves plunging players into an experience where they won’t be able to rely on the weapons they’ve always used. It’s bittersweet, but we can see where they’re coming from. Destiny needs to evolve to avoid becoming banal and predictable, and for that to happen, novelty must be a priority.[/quote] -PlanetDestiny, I'm afraid that's not true. It'll be sad to see them go.
Sad indeed. And thanks for using a reference to back up to back up your assertion. Its refreshing.
Has it been confirmed?