For me, my first look at destiny was in the alpha. I wanted a code so bad I searched the forums desperately during E3 but to no avail. When I started to consider giving up, a random user (now a friend of mine) messaged me a code for the alpha. I haven't been more thankful for many other things in my life than that at the time (yeeah I was pretty goddamn obsessed, but for good reason)
Now share [b]your[/b] story of your first hands-on experience with destiny.
Day one beta
Only 10% in Alpha? I thought there would be more of us.
the beta emblems should be bumped up to exotic.
November 2014 1st or 4th or something like that...
5 days after it came out
I believed all the hype, bought the season pass. Couldn't wait. waiting to hear reviews on ttk. Only because MGS V is coming out this Tuesday.
is there a alpha emblem?
Wait there's a vanilla? I thought Destiny was a complete beta, and TTK was the full game...
Got destiny by accident in October, didn't start playing it until December
Day one :)
I played the Beta on my bro's GT (before I knew it would allow me to play under my GT)... so I don't have emblems or anything :/ So I guess I technically fit in the last category.
[quote]For me, my first look at destiny was in the alpha. I wanted a code so bad I searched the forums desperately during E3 but to no avail. When I started to consider giving up, a random user (now a friend of mine) messaged me a code for the alpha. I haven't been more thankful for many other things in my life than that at the time (yeeah I was pretty goddamn obsessed, but for good reason) Now share [b]your[/b] story of your first hands-on experience with destiny.[/quote] Day 1
September 18'th 2014 :D
I went to Bungies building in Bellevue, before the beta came out and played there for a few hours and got a tour of the building free pizza, and sodas. (I have no clue when the alpha happened). Then I wasn't able to afford Xbox live for a while, until January or February, so technically then but I did experience it before most people did before the beta.
November 17 2014 to be exact. Wish I had started earlier
9/9. Didnt do anything else until 9/10...
Beta for me. I bought a beta code off eBay for $3 before they had announced the preorder beta codes.
Alpha. I followed this game religiously and signed up for a code the day it was available. You can imagine how disappointed I was when the game came out. Good time sink, though. Definitely not the 9.5/10 I was hoping it would be.
Shameless Mother-blam!-ing Bump 凸(^∇^)凸