So many destiny players have not done moments of triumph. Some do not have friends on the console, some not enough time, some no experience, some because of no mic, all those reasons. Ms5000watts, destiny youtuber and pvper, can help you! In an event, there will be three dates. In these dates, guardians can do the raids and crucible moments of triumph parts, and also Skolas. You've already done this? Great! You can win something too!
There are two types of player: A shepherd, and a lamb. Trolls can be wolves, I suppose.
Shepherds are players who are more experienced, players who have run the raid several times, kill skolas for fun, soloing nightfalls like its the first mission, ect. A Shepherd can enter himself for all activities. You must have a microphone, and are responsible for finding the members of your fireteam and giving them roles at one of the set times.
Lambs are inexperienced guardians who need that emblem. You must be able to listen to the chat, microphone is preferred but not needed. Be sure you are ready at the appointed time, if you aren't, someone may take your place!
If you sign up but your name is not on the list, there was no space :(. However, they will pull people from the twitch channel if someone drops out, so don't worry!
The rules are simple, be nice, no swearing, trying to provoke someone, personal attacks, screaming and raging. If someone breaks them, simply report them and a mod or even Ms5000watts herself will resolve the issue, possibly with ye olde lamb hammer.
Twitch subscribers get priority, sorry :( .
Shepherds, if you are succesful in helping these lambs get their triumphs done, you will get a gift card for your console. It should be enough to purchase a Taken King copy, so if you are low on money, you can help people and be a good person and get rewarded for it, like karma.
This event is called "No Lamb Left Behind"
Sign up:
More info:
I hope you get your triumphs done everyone!
I'm not going to waist my time with skolas and bungie said they are going to give you stuff based on your level from chest in ttk so why waist my time on this if it will get easyier in the next expansion