"[b]When we saved you, you became one of us! You can't just leave![/b]"
"Yes I can"
"[b]We should've let you die.[/b]"
"Murph it's not that I don't appreciate all you've done for me I love the crew your the best friends I could ask for but with everything that's been going in I just can't handle this"
"[b]You don't have that choice.[/b]"
"I have the choice to leave if I want to and I'm going to" [b]she stands up and looks you in the eye[/b]
"[b]Over my dead body![/b]" *He stands up and his eyes are getting red*
"The virus is still affecting you murph calm down"
"Murph calm down!"
"I'm leaving and you can't stop me"
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 8/29/2015 5:42:50 PM*He grabs her and pins her against the wall* "[b]You have no idea what I can do.[/b]"
"Get off of me!" [b]she tries pushing you off of her[/b]
*The pushing just results in him giving a tighter grip* "[b]YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT. YOURE ONE OF US NOW![/b]"
"Let me go!" [b]electricity starts to charge up around her hands[/b]
*his eyes go back to being orange for a few moments* "Doc... I... I'm trying to..." *he shakes his head and his eyes become red again* "[b]YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN A TRAITOR![/b]"
[b]she shocks him with over 40000 volts[/b]
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 8/29/2015 6:11:49 PM*he blasts back* *he reels, but regains his balance* "[b]Traitor.[/b]" *he springs at you and punches you in the gut, following up by grabbing her arm with a tendril*
[b]the punch to the gut knocks the wind out of her and she falls to the ground gasping for air[/b]
*He grabs the other arm and twists them both backwards* "[b]WE GAVE YOU LIFE, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT![/b]"
[b]she catches her breath[/b] "Murph come to your senses"
"[b]You don't know anything about my senses...[/b]" *he throws her to the ground and kicks her* [spoiler]you may want to call for help[/spoiler]
[b]Felix runs into the room, grabs Murphy and slams him against the wall[/b]
"[b]You're all the same...[/b]" *red electricity courses through his hands and fires a lightening bolt at him*
[b]it has no effect on him[/b] [spoiler]Felix is essentialy a bootleg version of python[/spoiler]