Well, the Flood offers a variety of threads. Some are less common than others, but that doesn't mean there are some we just can't stand to see pop up in the latest tab. So, which kind of thread are you sick of seeing?
My personal choice:
[spoiler]B8 & H8[/spoiler]
There was just some intangible good to the threads that were around before all the old members up and left with the last major site updates. Maybe I'm just incompatible with the newer crowd, but this place really seems to be lacking the communal vibe that was around before mid 2014, and the start of 2013. Maybe another site update will come along, and I'll start missing the state of the forums are in now, but it genuinely feels everybody is talking at each other, without necessarily acknowledging one another's existence. I've been guilty of this recently, almost everybody I talk to here nowadays, I end up forgetting completely about no more than an hour later. Is it a lack of Personality being displayed, do people come and go permanently on a daily basis, or is it because we have such a large userbase now, that barely anybody is able to stand out in a sea of faces? I just don't know. Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I'm just not a fan of the general state of the forums right now.