I'm not sure where to post this but if a grown man is going to send my 15 year old daughter a message that says he's tired of kids playing Destiny and she can "get on his d*ck" after she (and her team) beat his team in Crucible, he does not deserve to have an account. This is coming from an adult Destiny player, myself. His Gamertag is "V--- --- z" on the Xbox 360.
To stop any future issues I have removed the Gamertag from the post. My argument still stands and I, very much so, appreciate all of the support! I am not backing down, I am simply trying to handle this with a cool head and logical thinking.
I get hate mail like get a life and I see they get frustrated but that is too far
To bad that there are idiots like that in the game. His behavior shows the level of his intelligence.
All you can do is report him. People are idiots who don't think before talking.
Need to report this directly to Microsoft, hopefully you saved the message for proof.
Sorry this happened to her. People like that don't deserve the stuff they got. Hope things are going better now for ya. \|--|/
It's not really an adult game it's a teen rating your daughter is old enough to play it and they are stupid and immature
I get hate mail constantly because of how I play (I camp with a sniper), and I just learned to laugh about it. But I realize that not all people can do that, so whenever someone does send hate, report them, block them, and definitely [i][b]don't[/b][/i] reply. Me and my friend tested with and alt account, we had my whole friends list report him and he did get banned.
Psychos aplenty out there. My 13 year old crushes and he hears it from weirdos occasionally. I'd like to stomp their teeth down their throats.
Wow, I never had an hate mail before, but your daughter is 15? I'm 17.... I'm a girl as well. :3 hope this gets resolved!
Should've left his tag up there... No one at bungie ever does anything, and if he can do that unpunished, I see no wrong in his tag being public
The game is rated T for TEEN. His argument is literally invalid in every way, I'm a 15 year old boy as well and I deal with degenerates such as that on an hourly basis
I hate people like that. That's complete BS
Don't worry I called him out after pming him
First of all bro if you think your good 1v1 me
Report this low life now. Tell your daughter that we are with her and will help report him. I hate scum that talk to children like that.
I want to thank you ALL for the support, feedback and suggestions. I'm glad to see there is still a community amongst gamers!
Look if he isn't intelligent enough to know not to say those thing which even me being... Let's just say I'm under 15. Knows not to say crap like that. I had my mic open to everyone and I got tired of the people who weren't smart enough to not cud or be crude and I ended up asking my dad if he could set my privacy settings to friends only and I found a good clean talk raid crew who actually know how to do VOG. CE. AND POE. and I moved from there
Simply Block the person in question. If he begins to create/use alternate accounts in an attempt to harass or "stalk" your daughter, report him directly to Microsoft with evidence and he'll be banned.
Edited by Sherpa: 8/30/2015 2:28:18 PMContact Microsoft support when they ask what you need tell them you want to report vulgar behavior towards a minor. Then tell them your daughters account name and the person who sent the message. They'll pull up the message history and he will be banned with a chance at a sexual harassment charge on a minor Also I'll be reporting him myself once online and having my entire friends list do the same
Report report report and then ignore
Send a Grief report ASAP ! I was doing Skolas with a random group and they booted me just before the loot ! I told both players off and i got banned for 7 days. Don't even hesitate and send that GRIEF REPORT ASAP!
lol That's sad that he's that butthurt over losing. I get very similar hatemail for blink shotgunning and tea-bagging and It's sad and kind of funny!
I completely sympathize with you, but you may need to redact the gamer tag- public shaming is against bungle policy and may have ramifications against you
Hope that stops happening When I bought my ps4 I got it because I heard the community was nicer/ more mature then Xbox and I've yet to meet a mean person on ps maybe you could trade in the Xbox for a ps
Edited by Smough: 8/30/2015 5:01:27 AMFirst of all, posting gamer tags on the forums is against the rules, so I suggest you remove that. Second of all, as a gamer yourself you should know about these type of people being in an online game. So if anything you are foolish for letting your daughter giving away information like her age and for not knowing about these kind of people. I'm also 15 but I know about these people so I try to avoid them, but there isn't way to avoid them other than parents controlls which I don't feel like putting on my Xbox for obvious reasons.