Currently we have the #communitywishlist tag for things we would like to see added to Destiny. I thought it would be cool to also have a place for people to submit ideas on how to make those things happen. To that end, I am creating a new tag [url=]#destinyideashop.[/url] to have a place to group them together for the devs to see.
The community wish list is a great place to list ideas like sparrow races for example. What I envision for #Destinyideashop is a place where someone can take that idea and submit a way to actually implement sparrow races in-game, be it menu set-up, actual course design, race structure (laps, #of participants, rules), etc.
Have an idea for a new weapon or armor type? Post your design.
Have an idea for a new community space in the Tower or Reef? Post it for us to read or see.
Have a suggestion for how LFG could be integrated? Let us know how you'd do it.
This should be a sub-forum for Guardians to be able to help build worlds, even if it's just by planting seeds.
I am not looking for ideas listed in this thread, though I do appreciate them. I am looking to see your threads tagged #Destinyideashop and look forward to seeing what you all can come up with.
I've always thought that our community managers should utilize polls on major topics of interest to the community. Example: Making a poll on endgame matchmaking to see if the community wants it or not and if so, bring it to the Devs as a community wish list. Again, I feel that our community managers could do so much more.