originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
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Hello guys KJ here.
Today we had an issue with a former member of SFC who left due to not getting what he wanted and felt the need to lash out in one of our recruitment threads. This is quite immature and should never happen.
Id any of you feel the need to leave SFC due to reason we will not think negatively towards you. We understand that the way we run will not satisfy everyone. We only ask that if you do leave that it ends there. We do not want witch hunting to fall on our plate because of misunderstandings.
That being said IF you need help with ANYTHING before TTK drops you can do more than just post on the boards. Feel free to add any of the admins and we will do whatever we can to help. Understand though we do have lives of our owns. Most married and have kids so we will try the best we can to help everyone.
Admins for PSN are
Guledan (Founder)
Xbox ONE
Toxic Dredd
We hope to see all of you in the coming months for raids, strikes, and general clan activities!
Edited by sk8er1964 (Steve): 8/30/2015 1:46:08 AMWhat's up fellow guardians and members of SFC I'm an admin for the exceptionals and I completely agree with you, killingjoke04, a ex-member shouldn't lash out just because they don't agree with how you ran things. Now with that being said I hope that the exceptionals can soon be in a unite the clans post. Hope to see y'all there soon The Exceptionals admin Sk8er1964 Ps. We are on ps4 only