I'm currently grinding everyday to get the visible hand ( NM ship ) but i'm scared because i'm currently level 120+ ( between 3 characters) and i still don't have it. So my question is will i be able to get the ship after the TTK, i know there is a new one but i really want the old one.
Hello Erebus, Although I can't claim to have a vast knowledge of how the loot table actually works. I would imagine that the ship would have a very, very low chance to drop from year two faction packages. It's the same thing when you try to go back and buy a Vanilla cloak,bond or mark you are unable to purchase these items from your local faction representative of choice. Most likely, you will not see that ship for a long time if at all. [spoiler]The future is now, no time to dwell on the past.[/spoiler] Sorry if this comes as a buzzkill for you. I hope you get the ship you want soon, good luck!