Hey guys. So I enjoy sniping a lot and have had this sniper rifle, FINAL BOSS, hanging around in my vault a while. It's not been touched since I got it and I've decided to level it up and see how it is.
I've never seen anyone with this sniper equipped. Maybe because people just like using newer weapons, or maybe because it's an OG Crucible sniper.
So.....who has it? Is yours a vendor version or a drop version?
Mine was a drop and the roll on it is....
[b]Shortgaze/Ambush scope
Double Down
Snapshot/Send it/Perfect Balance
It's equipped on my Warlock.
Pretty good roll which I didn't realise until I checked it out more closely recently.
Let's see your FINAL BOSS.......
I'm interested in seeing any other rare or interesting snipers too so feel free to show them off.
EDIT: Quite a few with the Epitaph 2261 too. Another OG sniper. Here's mine....
Equipped on my Hunter.
EagleEye/Longview SLR10/TacSys
High Caliber Rounds/Send it/Skip Rounds
Life Support[/b]
Literally the only sniper I ever use and I love it