"Nah..... When this everything is over, fireteam Axion is split up, im heading home. Now, my home may be a -blam!-ing hellhole, and it may have experienced a lot of apocalyptic events, but the war is finally over. Humanity has begun rebuilding. I want to be there to see our Utopia. The cities of old retaken. But that's my road, when it comes, I'll walk it alone. What about you? Whats the road ahead of YOU look like?"
"Me?" *Galdes ponders for a minute* "probably still building and maintaining small arms, space ships, fortifications, You name it. I'm also fascinated by older ships, and getting them back up and running again. I've actually know of an old battleground with hundreds of ships adrift. You and everyone here are welcome to join me."
"I've got to sort things out. But i would be happy to join you when this is all over."
"I see. If you want to go somewhere else, My freighter can transport everybody."
[b]he ponders this for a second...[/b] "Yes. bring us to wherever Phantom is. After that, we'll look for Ginger. Then Python." (new post)