Go back to cod if you want to keep using the same gun year after year -.-
New game =/= game dlc
Wtf are you talking about.
When somebody tells someone else to go back to CoD it cracks me up, you do realize that with each Destiny DLC we have essentially had to start over with gear and weapons leveling them to a new damage cap each time.....that sounds a lot like the CoD Prestige System to me. The BIG difference between the two is that CoD makes it known to the player where as Destiny gives you no option but to start back over. So stop me if I am wrong but there are 10 yrs in Destiny and generally 10 Prestige lvls in CoD....weird??
Never played COD and I want to keep my old gear if its all the same to you.
and you better go back into your cave, you 30.000 years late clown
Well apparently every cod player needs to be told it they are all posting the same bs. Let us keep our guns and give us more shit for free since it's being added to a game I already bought
it seems i fail to see why you compare this case of destiny to CoD o_O