Guild wars 2 is now free to play. I suggest you get it and learn what a real MMO looks like. Add me at JDubsH, I would love to run dungeons with anyone who joins. But until you do, don't call Destiny an MMO, its embarrassing. Seriously.
I played GW2 for a long time. Also played WOW for many years, and before that, I played the original EQ. I'm an MMO veteran who never played a FPS until now... The reason I'm still playing and loving Destiny, is because it's so much like an MMO, but better. If you think grinding, or being excluded from content because of gear, is bad in Destiny, then yes, go play a "real" MMO. And then come screaming and running back to a better quality of life. I'm not saying that traditional MMOs are bad. In fact I've loved all the ones I used to play, including GW2. But Destiny is an MMO, and more. And I'm thankful for that, because even though my aim sucks, I know how to play an MMO :)