I am on the fence about this, there are a few Trusty weapons i would like to keep going forward with, but plenty i do not mind leaving behind.
The biggest issue in the end for me is the fact that Only raid weapons have elemental primary (and ToO) those highly coveted weapons are important to us. I want to bring my FateBringer and WoC forward because i like Handcannons and those have burns i need. Thats what gets me.
So in the end let us hand pick a few to bring forward, the truly special ones to us. Make it a max of 3, make it a difficult decision for some, but make it 3 primary only.
I get why they are doing it in the end upon further reflection. Too many broken perks in year one, they want to leave those felwinters, matador's and party crashers behind, along with other guns that were rerolled into unstoppable forces.
I don't personally think the perks were broken. In all seriousness, I personally haven't been able to find a justifiable reason for NOT bringing them all forward. And I've tried, a LOT try and find ample reasonable logic for it and each time I keep coming to the same conclusion as Boomer which is to limit competition for Year 2 stuff. Which is a flawed notion in and of itself.
Individually no, a lot of perks were mostly ok. But perk combos are so broken. Mind you the raid weapons are fine, same with the ToO ones, but random legendaries had some of the most OP combos you could get. Look at shot package, combined with rangefinder or smallbore....
I never really found those weapons to be OP, though. I mean yeah, they were good but not really as game breaking or unbalanced as some made them out to be. I'd rather encourage the creation of NEW perks that we haven't ever seen before and let those perks define the new content weapons and armor instead.