I don't take credit for any of these. I saw a bunch of these browsing Google.
[url=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QxsTbLQmKr0/VQdA86BiVQI/AAAAAAAAAMg/0Pigx0a9uh8/w1278-h679-no/vexsparrowclast.jpg]Vex Sparrowclast[/url]
[url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCUoys3WYAEoxfz.jpg]The Dragon[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/r8ZSEtG.jpg]Quick Death[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/yzYGOw1.jpg]Foul Language[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/uqsvF9h.jpg]Sparrow Regime[/url]
[url=http://destiny.bungie.org/images/exotic_sparrows/full/saltshaker911_lastsparrow.jpg]The Last Sparrow[/url]
[url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11376019_401095203425469_1244940904_n.jpg]Lord of Sparrows[/url]
[url=http://imgur.com/gallery/NQvyPuV]Catch Me If You Juju[/url]
Which is your favorite? Seen another? Tell me and I'll add it to the list.
I wish these were real...
SparrowMoon future dlc, unlockable content or collectors edition exclusive, make it happen!
Thunderbird and sparromoon
You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, And your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Shia Labeouf. He's following you About 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you. Shia Labeouf. You're looking for your car, But you're all turned around. He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face! My god, there's blood everywhere! Running for your life (From Shia Labeouf.) He's brandishing a knife. (It's Shia Labeouf.) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia Labeouf. Living in the woods, (Shia Labeouf.) Killing for sport, (Shia Labeouf.) Eating all the bodies Actual, cannibal Shia Labeouf. Now it's dark and you seem to have lost him, But you're hopelessly lost yourself. Stranded with a murderer, You creep silently through the underbrush. A-ha! In the distance, A small cottage with a light on. Hope! You move stealthily toward it, But your leg! AH! It's caught in a bear trap! Gnawing off your leg, (Quiet, quiet.) Limping toward the cottage, (Quiet, quiet.) Now you're on the doorstep, Sitting inside, Shia Labeouf. Sharpening an ax, (Shia Labeouf.) But he doesn't hear you enter, (Shia Labeouf.) You're sneaking up behind him. Strangling superstar Shia Labeouf. Fighting for your life with Shia Labeouf, Wrestling a knife from Shia Labeouf, Stab it in his kidney. Safe at last from Shia Labeouf. You limp into the dark woods, Blood oozing from your stump leg. But you have won. You have beaten Shia Labeouf Wait! He isn’t dead! Shia surprise! There’s a gun to your head and death in his eyes. But you can do jiu jitsu… body slam Shia LaBeouf. Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf. Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf. You try to swing an axe at Shia LaBeouf. But blood is draining fast from your stump leg. He’s dodging every swipe, he parries to the left. You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck. You’re chopping off his head now…. You have just decapitated Shia LaBeouf. His head topples to the floor, expressionless. You fall to your knees and catch your breath. You are finally safe from Shia LaBeouf.
Cool stuff!
I want quick death, thunder bird and foul language
I liked Thunderbird and the Vex. Also, Gjallarhorn looked sweet also.
Lol bump for later
Dude these are bad ass!
Where's bad sparrow??
Bump for later anyone?
Pretty damn good!
If only Bungie could actually make our sparrows just as awesome as these....
How much for the lot.
Thunderbird and Foul Language are the best looking by far. The lightning on Thunderbird is 100% beastly and Foul Language just looks like an awesome mother -blam!-in truck.
Where have these been all my life???? FOUL LANGUAGE FTW
Assbreaker. [b]ALL THE WAY[/b] ;D
Bungie, why are these not real things???
Thorn and TLW sparrows looks pretty cool. They really need to start making sparrows lily these ones.
That moment when even given the concept art bungie wont make these real
Thunderbird and Sparrowmoon [spoiler]Grease Lightning![/spoiler]
That Invective one is amazing. Best looking gun makes the best looking sparrow.
The sparrow horn description tho. And the Last sparrow looks dope tho
I would seriously want like all of these if they didn't have the stupid triggers on the back end. Except for the Hawkmoon one, that's funny there. Also, this is really making me feel like Dragon's Breath should have been an exotic sparrow with a rocket launcher inside it.
The last sparrow looks nice always liked the look of the last word