originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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I'm a father of one... I have an xbox 1 and I get to play Destiny for about 45mins each day (starting 0600 british time when no one else in house is up yet and 1800 when I am 1st home)... I can probably fit more in for specific things if I know I can 'get a game' so to speak, as I know my current gaming times are pretty narrow.
Using only the matching making stuff, and playing just here and there since the beginning of the year I have managed to get a level 33 titan with some exotic guns and armour...
Now I am thinking I want to try some of the non-matchmaking stuff like the nightfall strikes, level 32 and 34 Prison of Elders stuff and ToS
(I would love to raid, but I just don't have the time I think?)
Please bear this in mind when I ask the following questions, because I have no idea how to find people who would want to do these things... I am thinking this group can help as it has people in a similar situation :-)
I tried finding this info on the web, but my google-fu has not been that much help :-/
Again I am sorry for the massive-newb nature of these questions
How do I go about finding a fire team to join, and how to find out what their plans are for that session?
(and find out before hand if it is what I want to do?)
How do I find people to add with similar gaming habits/plans as mine?
What is best way to arrange times to 'meet'?
How to do I find out what people want to play?
Any other basic basic advice about best ways to message, find other players who have posted up invites and to generally get myself of an firetime for PoO, ToO etc
Thanks in advance!!!!
2 little ones. New to destiny. Wife already on my case.