So after only one year of the release of destiny they've announced a lot of bosses, including even two Gods.. Just wondering what else you guys think they'll bring out?
Destiny year 3: Crota's mom - The taken Queen (lel)
Edit: Woah, never expected such a turn out to a simple question like this, thanks to everyone for providing answers and theories!
Year 1- Atheon, Crota, Skolas Year 2- The Taken King Year 3- The Taken Uncle Year 4- The Taken Grandfather Year 5- The Taken Pet Year 6- The Taken Father in Law Year 7- The Taken Godfather Year 8- The other Taken son Year 9- The Taken Thrall Year 10- Elevator Cabal's Revenge
It's all leading up to Destiny 10: Rise of the Shanks Public events will say "A collection of Shanks are Shanking"
Technically oryx was the taken queen she took a sex change to become king its in the grimoire
I think there going to make new subclasses and new guardians
Idk about year 3-9 but year ten is bungie studios, the first boss is Cozmo, the scrawny one. The second boss would be Deej, destroyer of dreams. And the final boss would be Luke Smith, vacuum of wallets. He would be a giant TV with Luke Smiths face and he would cast the devourer of glimmer debuff, if you get caught in the devouring gaze it will freeze your guardian and force it to throw glimmer at the screen until you die due to lack of funds. 25000 glimmer can be purchased for the new low price of 10000 silver.
*mortal kombat voice* ANUBIS
Cabal Emperor.
The way Destiny is going I dont honestly believe it will still be here in 10 yrs, only into 2nd yr and its feeling tired already.
Hmm... Savathun, Xivo Arath, Quria Blade Transform, House of Kings Kell, the Cabal Emperor, and Ahamkara. Maybe.
Edited by Zacktwo: 10/19/2015 2:46:29 PM[spoiler]cabal suck[/spoiler]
Here's my prediction: Year 1: Atheon, Crota, Skolas Year 2: Oryx, Cabal Fleet Commander, Quaria (Ancient Vex Mind) Year 3: Champion of the Darkness (Plague of Darkness Raid), House of Kings' Kell, Cabal Vigilante. Year 4: The Great Machine (Fallen Servitor Mimicking the Traveller), Nokris (Hive God), Vex Time Manipulator Year 5: AI (Charlamagne or Rasputin), Vex Reality Manipulator (attempting to simulate reality), House of Rain (ancient, Darkness corrupted Fallen) Year 6: Ahakmara (non-Darkness), Xol (Dark Worm), Imperial Cabal Legion. Year 7: Cabal Emperor, Vex Manufacturer (forward/backward in time), Ur (Dark Worm). Year 8: Taox, Savathûn, and Xivu Arath; Psion Rebellion (you're helping the Psions), True Kell (finding Kell of Kells) Year 9: Taken Akka, Eir and Yul, The Nine Year 10: The Darkness, the Rebuilding (City-based Raid, breaking final alien presence in city and on earth). End of Year 10: the Traveller. This is based off the assumption that the end of each year results in a massive DLC, plus two smaller ones.
Well the way it's going I'm thinking next will be green enemies, Then after that maybe some blue enemies with an extra eye or something like that. It seems to fit the style so far.
Oryx's sisters will be one. The cabal leader whoever he is. The worms that control the hive. The king of kells. Whoever the toughest vex is. I believe Rasputin and/or Charlemagne will end up needing to be taken out. Possibly Toland. I've had a feeling the speaker may be one. And I feel like the traveler will come into play somewhere near the end.
Oryxs ghetto ass baby daddy Jerome
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Nokris...?
Edited by Salohcin J: 9/4/2015 3:13:45 AM[b]Fallen:[/b] I mean, we've basically wrecked them. Archons: dead. Servitors: dead. All high ranking members of each house: dead. We ruined every Fallen house leadership between strikes, story, and HoW. There's only 3 possibilities. 1) Kaliks Prime (HoW major Wolf servitors who vanished) could reappear. 2) Variks could revive the House of Judgement, as his statements are questionable at best. 3) Fallen join Guardians (since they want the Traveller and our whole war is a controversy over who the Traveler truly belongs to {read grimoire}) and become playable in Destiny 2? [b]Hive:[/b] We've obliterated a god and all of his major lackeys. We most likely will soon destroy the Hive [i]king[/i]. I mean, who else is left? I read somewhere that some Dark Have or something tried to overthrow Oryx but got imprisoned, so maybe they return? Either that or the other Hive gods (seems very stale though). [b]Vex:[/b] Sooo much more to do here. We've basically only destroyed a Gate Lord and Atheon, which is debateable that they're dead because of wibblywobblytimeywimey stuff. There's so much to uncover and so many bosses that we can discover. We've got the Conflux guy (Atheon) and the Time Gate guy (Gate Lord) and the Planet Terraforming guy (Nexus), but the Vex are so highly complicated that there must be more. Xylar anybody? [b]Cabal:[/b] The Cabal we see are actually just a rogue group of the Cabal empire. Meaning they are just a fraction. Not sure if "rogue" is because they were separated by Oryx chasing them or just they they disobeyed the empire. Either way, I feel like something we do will draw in the empire and we will definately get the big guns on that one!
Whatever is hiding in the visible crack of the moon... (That we can't get anywhere close!)
Toland is a threat now
Aloha snackbar. We crash our ships into THEIR towers.
For the Hive, there will most likely be Nokris, Xi Ro, and Sathona. Vex, probably just more of the Hezen Axis Minds Cabal, definitely the head of the Empire The Fallen practically have nothing left, save for the Kings' Kell (if he's even still alive)
As much as I love the idea of this, Bungie's Luke Smith said it was ridiculous. He said they never had a ten year plan, it was a contract with Activision. He said they only had planned up to year 2, he did say however they would make the game as long as people enjoy it, rather it be shorter or longer than ten years.
Here's my prediction Y1 Atheon, Crota and Skolas Y2 Oryx , The zeotheon twin brother of Atheon and Valus Za aurn Y3 Dragon Ahamkhara, Sikoris Father of oryx Y4 The Cabal empire Y5 House king of kells Y6 Darkness traveller Y7 Eris Morn Y8 The black vex army Y9 King of all Psions Y10 Xûr Agent of the nine
Well now that Crota and Oryx is defeated. I have a feeling there will be a DLC where Oryx's wife will take a stand. [spoiler]Destiny: The Takens Bride[/spoiler]
There is no 10 year plan. Only legalese and the shadows of what could have been.