So after only one year of the release of destiny they've announced a lot of bosses, including even two Gods.. Just wondering what else you guys think they'll bring out?
Destiny year 3: Crota's mom - The taken Queen (lel)
Edit: Woah, never expected such a turn out to a simple question like this, thanks to everyone for providing answers and theories!
Destiny 3: Return of Randal. The king of Vandals.
We still have the Cabal empire and the Vex to worry about.
What would you say if they decided to bring in God, "our creator", in the future?
The speaker and the traveler.
My prediction is the year 10 last DLC raid will happen in the traveler, and we have to kill it because it's actually been evil this whole time. Cause it knew the darkness was coming #OSIRIS beliefs
Crotas scrotas.. The second cumming.
Dont forget Xylar the timeless. When we beat him at the end of the vault of glass, his brother will be the next vex boss for that dlc
Edited by Susano'o: 9/1/2015 11:49:30 PMWell this isn't a boss for a dlc [i]buuuut[/i] since in that leaked Twitter image for the fourth dlc it was called Forge of Gods. Since forge was a feature in Halo what if it was a sort of map maker dlc? Doubtful but a cool idea nonetheless.
If you think about it, we've killed a Vex God (last story mission), a Hive god, and basically what is a god to the fallen (prime servitors). I'm sure that if the cabal were religious, we'd kill their gods too. Is bungie trying to make a point?
Maybe the nine that would be interesting
There will be another Fallen DLC and it will be about The Kell of Kings
In ten years master chief, the covenant and the flood will go to destiny and take over [spoiler]this is when Deej says we ran out of ideas so now what [/spoiler]
Edited by root_it: 9/1/2015 2:09:33 AMToasters......flying. F---ing. Toasters.
Well fallen are pretty much out of the picture, with Kell of Kells out of the way. Hive still have four deities, Eir, Yul, Xol and Ur. Vex, who knows. And Cabal we know there's something big right outside the solar system giving them orders regarding the dreadnaught. I'm sure we'll be introduced to more races, both bad and good, over the next 9 years.
Possible Raid Bosses Cabal Emperor Vex Gate God The Ahamkara Kings Speaker The Exile Kell The King's Kell The Superior Mind Time's Eater The Forged God Xol Eir Yul Ur Xylar, The Timeless King of Darkblades Queen's Brother Charlemagne, The Cabal Warmind The Last Gate Lord Superior Psion The Traveler The Darkness
Year 7: Seven Cabal Emperors [spoiler]There are 7 syllables in that quote[/spoiler]
I'd love something based around the Cabal or the Fallen House of Kings. Both have always had my curiosity.
One day. We will realize.. The only way to truly win this war, is the destruction of... The Traveler... [spoiler]Spoiler.[/spoiler]
House of Kings maybe, Theres still the 4 other hive gods and probably a cabal emperor or something, next DLC is called Vex Void with a Goblin picture.
Idk but what I plan to do is when the last dlc comes along I'm going to remake my character and play from the beginning
An Ahamkara
Edited by tmtek: 9/1/2015 11:40:21 PMThe grimoire cards that talk about Dr. Shin , his team, and the journey into the Vex network sounds like a very interesting stage for a raid. Osiris was apparently also lost in there as well, and Skolas paid a short visit too. A year or two ago, I played this amazing indie puzzle game called "Rose In Time". If Bungie used that as inspiration for Raid mechanics, it could be one of the most interesting and unusual experiences I can think of. Inevitably, I am sure we will eventually get to go inside the network.
I dunno, a giant shank- Oh wait, they already did that.
The real black garden
Wont make it 10 years because the servers will explode because they bought them off of deej's grandmother and Activi$ion will give them $12.36 to buy new servers. Therefore luke smith with plug Ethernet cables into his wallet in panic to get destiny up and running and realize not enough people were willing to throw money at the screen over their shitty emotes so destiny will be cancelled forever. The end.
I'd like to see a full on war with the cabal, ending with the most epic and high stakes raid against the cabal Emperor in a far away solar system.