So after only one year of the release of destiny they've announced a lot of bosses, including even two Gods.. Just wondering what else you guys think they'll bring out?
Destiny year 3: Crota's mom - The taken Queen (lel)
Edit: Woah, never expected such a turn out to a simple question like this, thanks to everyone for providing answers and theories!
Well Oryx has 2 sisters left, and they each have armies. Plus there's Nokris that we know nothing about beyond him being mentioned in a tablet alongside of crota, implying that he's some kind of God like them. We've got a cabal empire to deal with. There is almost certainly going to be am actual kell of Kells that we have to deal with. Variks is using his position and control over reef crows to search for the real kell of kells. Now, whether we will actually fight him or not is uncertain. The kell of Kells is supposed to unite the fallen. But if Variks has some influence, we very well may get fallen allies out of the kell of kells. Aside from their tendency to murder and steal, the fallen are probably the most relatable species. Get them in good graces with the traveller, their great machine, and we might be able to convince them to stop murdering and stealing from us and to just do it to other bad guys. And we still have a lot about the vex we don't know, such as their origins and their apparent inevitable downfall they're trying to prevent. And the ahamkara are almost certain to become a problem. Assuming the hive worms and ahamkara are the same (if they're not, then we'll have to deal with the worms too), they're clearly allied with the darkness and try to corrupt species with gifts. And they don't die easily, since they exist after you kill their bodies. And finally, the darkness itself. Not sure if it's a thing we can fight.
Thee whiny hunter :\
Edited by Chris Chan: 10/15/2015 10:06:56 PMYear 10, dinkles revenge
Lol year 3 will be like Verizon Wireless Presents Destiny Year 3!!!!
ShesMyNerd. The raid will be called, "The Salt of Tears". You have to go into his stream and fight him in a match. After you damage him one random player will be banned from the stream. You have to change your IP and get a new alt account to come back. After killing him, you will be able to get a new exotic upgrade item similar to the crux called , "RageMail". The description reads, "STOP USING FINAL ROUND ICEBREAKER AND SHOOTING ME THROUGH A WALL WITH YOUR LAGSWITCH. I'M REPORTING YOU." You can use it upgrade your BlackSpindle to 310 with the Final Round and Wall Piercing Rounds as Special Perks.
You know they've recently denied the, "10 year plan" right ?
The Architects. Boss battle is 100 phalanxes you can only kill with melee which is hard since they have their shields.
The boss of gold next, Then platinum, Then super platinum, Then super gold pressed latinum
It's 10 years for the franchise not the game, there will be multiple separate games.
My pet turtle Martin
This game won't make it into year 3 if they don't fix the current TTK loot system.............
Edited by NightWing: 10/15/2015 11:15:26 AMOhh plot twist traveler has been trickingus the whole time and the speaker turns on us. The darkness turns out to be the good ball of matter and we get darkness themed gear and shaders and a new social space. And form that social space, we can see the tower taken over by the traveler
I think that by year 10, it will completely have regressed into pvp. The raid will be matches against the different classes. First will be the op titans, next the overall great warlocks, finally the butthurt hunters.
Destiny 2 its comming
They can plan for 10 years all they want. They are on some very thin ice with the micro transactions. Thinking this will last any longer than 3, 4 absolute maximum years is daft. Activisions greed will kill it and it will be a real shame as the community is brilliant.
I think we will have to fight Megatron and the Decepticons.
It's not a ten year game that's why no season pass and they added micro transactions
Just more Reskins of enemies we've already fought. Nothing more.
Actually my mother will not appear but I shall
Well given the pattern, I'd imagine well be fighting Oryx's ass hole in year ten
The dad of oryx and after that we will get the grandpa of oryx
Eris Morn most probably will turn against us at some point.. All those hive artifacts Also I think we don't know enough about the nine yet.. And so something will kick of their as well
... And his name is / イ (((ヽ ( ノ  ̄Y\ | (\ | ) ヽ ヽ`( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ) /ノ / \ | ⌒Y⌒ / / |ヽ | ノ/ \トー仝ーイ | ミ土彡/ | | JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!
They should bring over Diablo... LOL It would be interesting
I keep seeing people saying Charlemagne and I don't know what that is? I feel like I know a good amount of Destiny lore, anyone care to elaborate?