[b]*THIS IS NOT THE IB ORBIT GLITCH IT IS "NEW" and is not to be considered reliable until it is tested more[/b]
[b]UPDATE Glitched confirmed fully working thx to user who helped me test it.[/b]
So this glitch has been kept hidden by the community for a while so it doesn't get patched, but since it likely will when the TTK comes here it is... [b]"Friend In Tower at Reset Near Saladman Glitch"[/b]
1) Have a friend stay in the tower through reset (don't leave dammit) and stay near Saladman
2) Join said friend after logging out (You must have grinded to R5 or R3 on the char you want to do this on, works on all 3 chars if they are R5 or R3)
3) Join friend in The Tower instance with Saladman still in it, (he doesn't poof out like Xur at reset), buy stuff from Saladman
4) Pass around the Tower instance/checkpoint as if it were the Gorgon cp. This can go on forever if people are willing to keep at it. [b]SOMEONE WHO IS A FRIEND MUST BE HOLDING IT AT ALL TIMES[/b]
I hope this was not confusing. And if you can upvote for visibility so the community can see it. Thank You
you don't need any glitch for IB 5, just play normal and have fun. posting this should result in a 1y ban or more. tired of this crap now. thorn glitch on osiris, health glitch, cheeses ... godness. play the game.