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Edited by Recon Number 54: 9/1/2015 7:55:15 PM

PSN Account Name changed - Please help, Bungie!

I'm posting this here too in hope of more awareness. I'm truly desperate... Dear Bungie, our Clan is at an all time low right now. My buddy "TheCoon182" has a serious problem. His PSN account has been reported and blocked due to an "inappropriate" username. The word "coon" seems to be a racist insult in the US slang against black people and some salty person reported him. It's a short version of the word "baracoon" what's a form of a cage. But here in germany no one even knows about this at all. We had to google it to understand what's going on. He originally chose his username because of "The Coon", Cartmans alter ego Supervillain in the well known series "Southpark". He even used Cartman in his Racoon costume since months as a profile picture...he's just a fan of The Coon, that's all. It has NOTHING to do with racism. Yes, we are germans and we know that racism is one of the worst things describing our history and we're very sensible about this topic. Our clanmembers are supporters of the current refugees welcome campaign because of all those retards hating on helpless people. The fact is: His username was active for two years and if he had known that the word Coon is a racist insult, he NEVER EVER would have used it in his username. It's impossible to know every meaning of every word in every country though and it wasn't even used in the racist context at all. Ther are also over 38000 other PSN usernames that include the word "coon", so the actions Sony took are simply embarrassing and ridiculous. It's just a shame. But nothing helped, even though we've contacted the PSN support more than 10times today, talking to really nice people that openly admittd it's just a dick move. Sony gave him no other choice: He had to change his username to keep his PSN account intact to save his bought games and store deposit of around 150€. The problem is: He lost ALL his progress in Destiny. His Destiny account and progress is still linked to his old username that isn't accessible anymore. He is a Day1 veteran with 3635 grimoire points, platinum, clan founder and leader of our clan "NonPlusUltra", collected every exotic, helped countless people through endgame activities, put over 1500hours of his life into this game, bought every DLC with pure happiness and was truly excited about The Taken King. He never cheated or was a dickhead to other players. He truly enjoyed your game to the fullest. He really is a good person and a good guardian and already a legend to most of our clanmates, including myself. Now he is a wreck and I think everyone with a bit of empathy is able to understand that this is just an unfair action and situation. He even considered to stop playing your game once and for all because he lost his whole Destiny identity and he just feels empty. Please Bungie, help me and my mates to rescue one of your biggest fans and guardians of being lost in the void of a corrupted system where everyone can blame anyone for shit reasons. Help us to link his progress to his new Username "Sureshot_1982_" so he can look up again to continue his ingame career. Standing up without your help won't work I think. I heard it's possible to use a new account name on Xbox Live and it doesn't lead to any progress reset in Destiny. There has to be a way to make this possible on a PSN account too. Don't tell me you're unable to help, please! Sincerely, a Day7 veteran who wouldn't have come that far without the backup of our clanleader. TeddyNutz [quote]Ninja Edit [spoiler]Hello OP (or anyone who has decided to open the spoiler and read all of this). I'm one of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We may have met before, we may have interacted, you might have heard of us, or you may have no clue as to who we are and what we do. Well, this little note is to explain some of the things we do. One of the major roles we play is to handle the reports that come in whenever a member clicks on the "Report" button, to let us know that there is a post, a topic or a user that either doesn't understand or isn't following the rules that we all agreed to follow when we joined. But that's not the Ninja function that brought on this note. The reason I am writing this is because I have retagged your thread. Bungie.Net uses hashtags to designate their major forums and to help keep things organized. Your OP (original post) was opened, created or given a hashtag that well, wasn't the best choice. It could have been that you were browsing through the [u][url=]various forum/tags[/url][/u] that are available on the site or app, and clicked on "New Topic" while in a forum that didn't "match up" with the subject matter of your OP. Or, you may have thought "this belongs here", when unfortunately, it doesn't. That's another role of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We not only try to keep things fun, pleasant and welcoming here by removing rule-breakers, but we also want EVERY good topic to have the best chance to survive, thrive, find the right audience, and get lots of on-topic replies. And so, I have retagged your topic to move it to the forum where it has the best chance of doing that. I give you my word that I have not altered a single letter or character of your Original Post, just placed this message below it and set the tag to better describe your topic. You may notice that you are unable to edit this post anymore. That is a part of the system, and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I've not replied or commented on your OP, since this message would most likely be "off-topic" to your thread and when members see a Ninja or Mentor (who are volunteers from the community) or even a Bungie employee post, they tend to go a little crazy and the disruption to the thread becomes a distraction. I don't want that to happen to your thread. I want it to be in the BEST place possible, to be seen by the largest audience who is looking for this sort of topic, I want it to take root, get replies, grow strong and make these forums a better place. If you have any questions, you should feel free to PM me. My name is now in the upper right corner of your OP where it says "edited by". Thanks for your patience, thanks for being a part of this community, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (I hid it in a spoiler so that anyone who clicked couldn't complain about "too long, didn't read"), and thank you in advance for creating your future topics with the forum/tag location in mind. --Cheers[/spoiler][/quote]
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  • Edited by FreakThread6: 9/1/2015 8:07:29 PM
    Really? Coon is a racist term? Huh... lotta those about these days. Anywho, Sony made your friend make a whole new account? Why not just give him the option to change the name for that specific account? I've never been tagged for an inappropriate name before so I don't exactly have the most knowledge, but I do know that we have a thing where we can change our Gamertags once for free, and then for a price every change afterwards. After a second reading, I'm genuinely confused. They let him keep his account, but he had to change his name. Does the game really link all game progress with the PSN ID, and not the account itself? That seems like it would be a MAJOR overlook. As an aside, I live in the US, have lived in some pretty racist places, and not once have I heard the word Coon used, except as a shortened version of Racoon (e.g the Coonskin Hat.)

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