Alright first and foremost, the title is click bait. Secondly, the title won't entirely be untrue if they don't implement these ideas.
As we all know by now, all of the content prior to The Taken King will become irrelevant at launch for two reasons: legendaries will not be able to be upgraded to year two levels and the content would become too trivial (easy). In this piece of writing I will give sort of a two part solution to this problem.
Step 1: [b]Implement "down leveling"[/b]
What I mean by this is, if you are going into VoG or any other activity, and not just implement this into year one but into year two activities and so on, making things a lot less trivial and making the older stuff still somewhat of a challenge. A possible way to do this is to make it so that if you went into an activity, you would go in at the strength of only one level higher. I know the light system is getting reworked and all so it would be more like if you're going into an activity that is best done with 180 light, and you have, let's say 210 light, you would be temporarily downgraded for the duration of the mission or raid to 190. I'm not sure how the new system works entirely so I'm just spit balling numbers, but this would keep everything at least somewhat challenging.
Step 2: [b]Keep gear relevant[/b]
Yes I know, the dreaded keep-your-progress-and-gear-relevant argument, but bear with me. People will generally jump and say things like "but but that makes collecting new gear pointless and the new content will not be played", and to that I say you're wrong. If you've been keeping up with the plans for TTK, they are implementing a system that forces you to play higher level content in order to upgrade that sweet crucible gun you love so much. Well, they could do the same kind of thing for old legendaries from VoG, CE, PoE, etc. After ascending it to its year one value, instead of the node just disappearing, it could then undergo the same kind of treatment the new stuff is getting. You will have to play higher level content still in order to do so, making the expansion still 100% worth playing, not just to keep your progress and the rest of the content of the game relevant, but also to collect that sweet new gear.
These are two solutions that I believe wouldn't be too hard to implement, and it would make the whole game worth playing instead of just the new stuff. Suggestions much appreciated.
Apparently people are hard at reading .-.
Also am I the only one who's upset that the class items aren't just "vanity items" anymore? I liked being able to wear different class items without having to worry about stats. That's the same reason I only bothered with factions for a week, because I didn't want to rely on an ugly ass class item to give me the special modification
What i feel people forget too easily is that it was never about legendaries, from the start it was about exotics. Legendaries were just the next step on the ladder up to exotics.