[quote]If you have the word wolf in your name, you're not cool and you're not original.[/quote]
Nor do I claim to be.
[quote]You're just another idiot who has an obsession with an animal they've never seen. It's generic and stupid.[/quote]
Wrong on both accounts.
[quote]You may be asking how come I have the word wolf in my name. That's because when I made this name I literally put two random words together. One of them just happened to be wolf. I thought to myself, maybe there won't be too many people with the word wolf in their name. Boy was I wrong. Every idiot who's ever owned a dog wants to put the word wolf in their name. It's stupid.[/quote]
Cheers mate.
[quote]So I'm now making a name tax. If you're not me and your name has the word wolf in it, you have to pay me $15. Failure to pay Will result in your anus being violated with a spoon while you sleep.[/quote]
TL;DR: OP is saltier than the ocean.
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The pizza is aggressive.