Edited by Phøtøn: 9/3/2015 1:55:52 AMWon't I try again with a different thread, as I did once or twice before I created this one? Will I care, given that I have made new friends like you that I can always communicate with, that I didn't have before?
Won't you regret the potential missed friends that you could have found on this thread?
Edited by Phøtøn: 9/3/2015 2:08:38 AMDidn't all of the people that wanted to come to this forum pretty much came? Isn't pretty much the only activity here anymore is you and a few regulars, not the mass of hundreds that accompanied this thread's golden age?
Could I convince you to change that "aren't" to a "didn't"?
Aren't I tired, and didn't I actually think about changing it, but my exhaustion stop me?
Is that what happened?
Would I lie about such an occurrence?
Wouldn't you try to cover up your mistake? Isn't that human nature?
Do I really care if other people find that I made a mistake? Don't I value these occurrences, so that I might grow from them?
Shouldn't you still change the "came" to "come"?
Should I, considering I meant to say those who came, not those who come because nobody really comes to the thread much anymore?
Does "Didn't all the people who wanted to [b]came[/b] pretty much already [b]came[/b]" make sense or should you use "come" both times as I advised?
Didn't I say "Didn't all the people who want to [b]come[/b] pretty much already [b]came[/b]" doesn't that make far more sense than any other combination? Aren't I implying that anyone who wanted to come to the forum has already done so, hence the word "came"?
Shouldn't the present tense version of the word still be used because of the format of your sentence?
(I've taken grammar classes) The format of my sentence applies to the way that I worded it, I believe I am correct, wouldn't the correct forms be the ones that I used?
Doesn't it just sound painful?
Do grammatical phrases always sound perfect and beautiful? What would you suggest, while keeping the sentence grammatically correct?