IDC what your reasoning is to be playing IB with randoms is, if you're doing that badly, please leave. You're hurting the team more than helping. Try to find people to carry you or something. Or just go practice in regular crucible.
Edit 1: Okay I guess I mislead people into thinking to not play IB all together or something. But what I was trying to say is that if you want to get IB gear that's cool and all, btt don't be running in the center of the map if you don't have good gun skills and hurting your team into losing. Stick back and play defensive man! sheesh. I guess I was kinda hard on the dude but seriously if you're going 0.13 on accident or from gun fights, I will CARRY you with my team. Go practice first in regular crucible man. I'm trying to help future teams who have to pair up with people who don't know what they're doing or are occupied with something else important.
Now if he was doing it on purpose, (feeding kills) he deserves to get banned.
I wouldn't ask people to leave anything in this game. In several months you may have a hard time finding people to play with in iron banner. With the way Bungie shit all over its year one players, the player base pool will be getting smaller. At this point the fanboys and neck beards should be recruiting people to play to keep the game on life support.