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Edited by Sppeedbreaker: 9/2/2015 3:32:50 PM
[u]The Exotic Forge[/u] At this point every single exotic will have a bounty corresponding to it. For 7 exotic shards and other materials, you can buy an exotic missive that selects a total 3 random armor and weapon exotic bounties to chose from, of which you may only pick one. These new type bounties are split into two parts, steps to unlock the weapons in the usually manner, and a new edition: steps to unlock a special exotic shard specifically designed for that exotic. You may only chose one bounty, but you can discard it and purchase new bounties as you wish, but once you start progress towards the present one, it's locked in. You may only hold one [i]purchased[/i] exotic bounty at a time, if you discard one in progress you must wait until weekly reset to purchase a new one. This also applies to a completed bounty, you must wait until reset in order to purchase a new selection. The vendor will replace Xur as the hub for purchasing the odd and ends parts for other exotic bounties, but should allow players an additional chance to obtain exotics they actually want. But to curb exotic overflow, every time a new exotic bounty is discarded and a new selection is repurchased, the price will increase approximately 15% each time, base prices reset to normal every week.

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