Before House of Wolves was released many players said that obtaining the husk would worthless, a waste of time, also be thw worst gun in the game. Soon, TTK announced that tje Necrochasm would get a major buff. So now i wonder, how do those players feel about that? Better start up Crota on hard! Good luck getting the Crux
Have a necro and an xtra husk and crx sitting in my vault
I use it on patrols and when I'm just messing around. I still find it to be a fun weapon to use on weak enemies.
Yes! They're buffing it and Auto-Rifles... 8 months later...
I see a lot of posts saying it's not going to be year 2 but I have it on good authority all exotics will be ascendable eventually. Don't delete em guys..
Meh, I never use the weapon, but it isn't dismantled, either Just collecting dust in my vault
I have one. ONE!
Got 1 necrocasm and 1 crux if only we could trade even if only within clans
I need it still. Idc if its on the short list of yr 2 or not(looks like it won't be). I like collecting exotics & auto rifles the most out of primaries.
You missed the part where the gun isn't being brought up to year 2 status. Still worthless
Necro is pretty useless at the moment, in fact it's terrible. It's a real shame because it takes quite a lot of effort and luck to obtain. I hope the substantial buff makes it a viable gun to use to make the effort worth it, but is it being left behind as a year 1 gun? Will it be useful only for 1 week leading up to TTK?
well, unless it gets a year 2 version, it'll still be crap that nobody cares about.
I wasn't going to try for the husk until I got 5 crux('s) and when I did I couldn't get the husk to drop until the patch. It's a fun gun to use it just tickles enemies right now
only got it for the blueprint, maybe one day it becomes good, then i already have this print:)
I got my Nechrochasm before the patch. I have no idea why Bungie likes giving free stuff to these noobs. #Earned it before it was easy #I'm more elite then you #eritas
And ppl complaining about husk, I've had 2 this week doing bounties, a crux in the vault (which I'll never use)..and the crap necrochasm Rng's a bitch
It's fun using in PVE with arc burn close up fights!
That moment when the necrochasm isn't beng ascended....
Am I wrong for getting 2 crux in one week?
I got extra husks and crux('s? i?) and can't give them out, it's so sad
Love using it with arc burn.
I got the nechro. It's been garbage since its release
Buff? You will still have to empty a mag into any target you shoot. I will stick to scout rifles and hand cannons.
Uh uh, oh heeeelllll no, do you know how long I had to deal with people pulling out their Ethernet cords and having to kneel down for hours. No, all you guardians had your chance to kill me and steal my crux, now, you have to deal with my father...
Actually, the article in Edge magazine stated that all exotics will eventually get a Y2 buff.
Wanna know something funny? The Husk was funner to use for me than the Eidelon Ally. Now ain't that some shit. Still kinda wanna experience Nechrochasm, but my chances of nabbing a Crux and having Eidelon leveled up before the drop is very, very low indeed.
I eagerly await when it does get Y2'd.