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9/2/2015 11:20:56 PM
I say no. New species, enemies, locations. I'd say about ½-¾ of the game will be current enemies, cuz of the occasional new enemy who will get a few DLCs (like the Taken) Also, some species are allied (House of Devils are allied with the Cabal), so they can create some really interesting dynamics there. Besides,I'd be disappointed if Bungie only did DLCs based on race. I might expect something about a [i]land[/i], where we might try to use Vex tech to go back in time to recover some buildings (or golden age scientist or something) in the London Dead Zone. It wouldn't be about some Vex threat, but a project of the guardians'. (Could be interesting, where we are to carry the "Nexus Component" from Venus to earth, and activate it, then defeat the Fallen threat against something in particular)[spoiler]Part 1: (Venus) Get to the Component Part 2: (Large ship) Transport the Component (Vex attack the transport ship. Defend it. Part 3: (London Dead Zone) Setup: The Vex are trying to stop you. Cripple them by holding Sync Plates (2 players hold them, 2 players defend the moving Component, and 2 players...) and going back in time or teleporting to knock out their Axis Mind or Gate Lord. Killing it stops the spawns of the Vex. (The ones still there will continue) Part 4: (Skyscraper/Old London) Saving Dr. ????? Fight through old London to get to Dr. ????? and escort him (or his Data) back through the Vex gate and into our time. You can disable smaller Devil Exterminators for a short time (DEs are souped up Walkers) Finally, you get to the Skyscraper you were in (St. Paul's, anyone?) and must either go around (via puzzles) or slowly destroy the DE standing in your path. The longer you spend saving Dr. ?????, the shorter amount of time you have to kill it. (Crumbling building, 15 min before collapse) Finishing it gives you a chance at a) an exotic, or b) exotic blueprints. Finishing it will open him up as a temporary vendor, whom you can buy exotics from for exotic weapon parts (Raid exclusive drop) Premise: X is trapped in Y building. Get in the building and save him (Spawn in the building, but maybe an outside jumping portion to see the... Massacre.) NO plot holes/paradoxes. The building was collapsing anyway, bringing the DE and Dr. ????? with it. Killing the Fallen and DE inside and saving Dr. ????? doesn't matter, because they would all have died anyways, due to the falling building, so we're just saving one person, is all. [/spoiler] Could be good, I dunno

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