Look it up, jackass it says in the Grimore and with the amount of stupid shit you've said I'd recommend you go and read it.
No need to get your panties in a bunch. Insults are only used when you know you have no proof to your side or are just stupid. Point me to the card that says he's the king of all the hive and I'll happily admit you were right.
Edited by Bah Weep Grana: 9/3/2015 1:21:36 AMREAD THE MOTHER -blam!-ING GRIMORE IM SICK AND TIRED OF STUPID MOTHER -blam!-ERS SAYING "Crota and Oryx aren't gods despite the CUTSCENE AND GRIMORE CARDS SAYING OTHERWISE." Not salty though just read in Samuel L Jackson's voice.
Just read all the hive grimoire cards, only four times the name Oryx is even mentioned, and there's nothing about him being the king of the hive gods. Crota is called a God, but that's it.
Play the shrine of oryx mission.
It didn't say what he is there either. It says the shrine was communing with a God or king. Didn't say which, basically the gist was saying it was a link to some higher being.