[i]After hearing that their allies had been decimated by an unknown foe, the New Trader Emergency Coalition, Military, political and Commercial ally to the Ukrainian people, sent forth their massive fleet. They arrived from their faraway solar system, and exited phase space around Sol. The hundreds of ships were like a swarm of flies, large enough to appear as spots over the sun. Ships from both the Original TEC and the Advent slowly made their way towards mars, jumping from gravity well to gravity well, starting first with Mercury, as Massive, defense-packed Space stations were constructed around the sun and Mercury.[/i]
"We'll take him on board our envoy to the planet." [spoiler]hence my latest post[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*gasp* I know a Triss! In another -sniped-[/spoiler]
[spoiler]shh... They're unrelated. I just came up with a name on the spot[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*ded* *calls bullshit*[/spoiler]