originally posted in:Community Carnage
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[quote][b]Destiny Crucible Week 2 (Control)
Friday, August 14th
@ 6:00PM Pacific Time
[url=http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/]Timezone Converter[/url][/b][/quote]
What's up #Community? This Friday, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/15287/0/1/0]The Community Carnage[/url] will be hosting week two of a series of game nights. Sound off if you'd like to join your fellow Bungie.net members in some Crucible Carnage.
To join, please post your gamertags/PSN IDs and platform. Fireteam Leaders will send invites on Friday to whoever replies first. Live streams will be around for people who want to join us in the Twitch chat.
Weapon of the night: [armory]Hard Light[/armory]
[quote][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/15287/146361928/0/0/1][b]Click here to view current fireteam rosters.[/b]
[b]Update [8/14][/b] Xbox 360 fireteam is now full. Don't let it stop you from signing up because there is always a possibility somebody won't show up or will have to drop out early on.
[b]Update [8/14][/b] Playstation 4 and Xbox One sign ups are CLOSED, including substitute sign ups. Xbox 360 is still looking for players and substitutes.
[b]Update [8/13][/b] Playstation 4 and Xbox One fireteams are full. Don't let it stop you from signing up, because there is always a possibility somebody won't show up or will have to drop out early on.[/url][/quote]
[quote][b]Xbox One Host:[/b] machinimagames (GT: Saratogalyric)
Stream: [url]http://twitch.tv/Machinimagamesbnet[/url] [i](Offline)[/i]
[b]Xbox 360 Host:[/b] Ktan Dantaktee (XBL: Ktan Dantaktee)
[b]Playstation 4 Host:[/b] True Underdog (PSN: Dredguno)
Stream: [url]http://www.twitch.tv/trueunderdog[/url] [i](Offline)[/i]
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