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Edited by DarkNoha: 9/4/2015 2:32:26 AM

To people who T-Bag

Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it. There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag? A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in. I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone. Lets see how many feel the same.

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  • I hate it especially when you get killed, and then some random person comes up and t-bags, and they didn't do anything

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  • #shadesteppingisthenewteabagging

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  • I don't mind it. I very rarely do it but if someone kills me, and decides to teabag me, who cares? It's a video game of all things. Teabag me in real life and we'll have real issues real quick but teabag my character on a video game? Who cares lol it's amusing. Here's an open invitation to teabag the shit out of me in crucible. I'm not very good at it anyways so go right ahead!

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  • Edited by noB79: 10/2/2015 11:43:52 PM
    Teabagging is only for halo. I'm not a destiny hater love destiny but t bagging is halos thing

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    • Run around all match with nothing but a shotty u better be ready for this Ol dirty bag on ya scrub face :D

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      I'm the type who immediately crouches after a kill especially when my life is low. I would sometime get teabagged right after by the same person I just killed. I would understand the confusion.

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    • T bagging began in Halo 2 and it was when you got a [b]head shot[/b]

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    • I t-bag for one reason. 1.) You did it first, now taste mine. If I pull of a sweet kill, I'll dance.

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    • Bungie promotes T-bagging.

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    • I have never done it. But I will sit down on their corpse. . Not all the time just when they are trying a little to hard.. Or if I shut down there killing spree. ;)

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    • If you t-bag me once, I will t-bag you for the rest of the game. Those are my personal rules.

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    • I don't initiate T-bagging, but I'll participate if it happens to me first lol.

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    • My match made team and I started off with me getting 5 kills in an Elimination match. My Level 29 team mate wrapped up Round 3 with a super, killing two enemy players. Round 4 (our side) got a little tricky with me getting double teamed. My other team mate shotgunned one and revived me right after, but was soon killed. The same goes for the Level 29. Last one left with only a sniper and a scout rifle I threw a grenade at the ground and glided away. But I didn't see the enemy behind me who then shot me to death while I was turning around. Then he T-bagged... His fellow teammates doing the same to the rest of my team. Round 5 we got our revenge. The Hunter on our team tethered two of them with a Shadowshot. Killing both of them. With my Nova Bomb I wrapped up the match, killing the last player. We t-bagged the last guy in particular, making him rage quit. Later on he messaged me saying, "You all having no -blam!- ing skill, bunch of laggers." Lesson of the day: Don't T-bag if you triple team, no one likes you if you t-bag after a triple team.

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    • If someone beats me one on one in a fair fight, by all means t-bag. But if I come around a corner and you shotty me, don't t-bag and run. Have some honor.

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    • I really don't care if someone wants tbag me after killing me-the ones that wanna dance is the ones that pissed me

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    • This is why I miss couch co-op. If the person sitting next to you is being a dick, you punch them in the arm and move on. In an anonymous internet game the lowliest scrub can be a total dick without fear of repercussion.

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      7 Replies
      • I'm a good player and I dance if I kill super players or people running at me with shotguns and tbag. Got make sure you know you got shit on. ;)

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        • Just let it go and remember that you are likely older or more mature than them. Probably both.

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        • If I ever play you in crucible I will t bag you to death

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        • Bruh it's just a game. T-bagging(or the way I see it), is purposely childish and immature to instigate a reaction or friendly rivalry in the game. Nothing special yo. Ever get t-bagged in real life? Not very special.

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          • Is it ok if I'm an exo male and I salute?

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            Monster Hunter - old

            I don't bag I only dance on your grave.

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          • If someone kills me over and over and over and over and I finally get a kill he or she will be getting a bagging. Not because I hate that person, not because I'm salty. I know I was getting owned and that is my sign of respect. Not to mention usually he'll come back with extreme malice in his heart and usually start making mistakes he normally wouldn't just to get a revenge baggin. It's all in fun if you seriously get butthurt because someone pixel humped you, either A. You are not an adult that plays this game, or B. You're life priorities are -blam!-ed lol

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          • Lol people tbag to make you salty..appears to have worked =)

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          • Usually do it when I kill someone out of their super 1v1

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          • I treat people with respect when it is given. And I'll still bag someone if I feel like it. Tbagging has nothing to do with respect. It's the same thing as trolling on a forum

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