Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it.
There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag?
A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in.
I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.
Lets see how many feel the same.
I tbag people to make them go tryhard... If I see you sucking it up I will tbag you in hopes that you play better...
I love it when someone bags me, it gives me a target to obliterate the rest of the match.
I'm more of a dancer. It enrages people as well.
If this bothers you that much, you really need to stop playing online video games.
I don't t-bag. My nuts already hang low enough that I can just walk over your body and drag them across.
I teabag everyone. Don't care what you think. Lmao.
100% agree *gives you a hug*
I feel that way about my teammates, but once you're on the enemy team and if I get a hilarious or awesome kill on you, it's tbag time.
This is perfect. I am the exact same way
If you are thorn blink shotgunning and tbagging i want to stab you in the butthole
Edited by StealthMonkeyDC: 9/4/2015 2:32:38 PMCouldn't agree more. I'm sick of players T-Bagging other players just for managing to get a kill. I only ever do it if someone does it to me first for no reason. I had a game where this idiot T-bagged me after killing me (which he didn't even earn as I was on essentially no health after fighting another guardian) so I proceeded to hunt him down and kill him repeatedly every time he spawned, T-bagging him all the way to teach him a lesson. After the match he messaged me asking why I started T-bagging him when he didn't do anything lol
Edited by BingoBangoBungo: 9/4/2015 2:33:53 PMLol I tbag all the time. But only people who play like bitches (shotgun). Last night I baited a self rez warlock, killed him again; dropped another set of tbags. 'Twas awesome
I t-bag all the time... You see I'm not very good at pvp, I use every advantage I can get, if t-bagging enrages the opposition into making mistakes I will take it. That and I love hitting the O Button.
Why such an unhealthy attachment to a video game character? Who cares if you get bagged, it's a video game character. It's not like every time your guardian dies Tyrone jumps out of the closet and bags you on your couch... Just roll with it brah and stop taking this shit so seriously.
I honestly don't get why people would take offence.
Been t Baggin since day one! (Halo CE)
It's slightly immature, I do admit. But it's just a way of intimidation/humor. And it works, because here you are complaining about it.
Edited by Major2: 9/4/2015 2:41:25 PMI never understood why video game tea bagging pissed people off so much. If the guys balls were actually bouncing off your face, then yeah, that would be upsetting. Otherwise who cares if some 12 year old or fat bastard sitting on his couch gets some sort of self esteem boost from it. It's a stupid video game!!
I like 2 tea bag in trials to make them mad so they rush to try and kill u cause they think they r better so then u kill them again and repeat its psychological
Normally I could give two shits about it in PVP. The other day running some dragons some asshat on our team kept tea bagging us when we went down, running us over with his sparrow, trying to knock us odd ledges.... Etc. It was a bit annoying. I didn't really need the assbaggery from my own 'teammate' while trying to knock out a simple strike.
I follow the "rules of engagement": only teabag when you have been tea bagged.... Once I have been bagged, I search and zero in on the bagger and it becomes my sole mission to only kill that guardian and bag him/her for the rest of the match...
[b]tbagging was once noticed as a thing done to give respect to the other player, its like youre a middle line backer for the NFL and your buddy is the QB on the other team. You tackle him, tap him on the butt and playfully talk some trash while you fall back in line. This is how its perceived by those who know what the intention of it should entail. [/b] Problem is you have two kinds of people who tbag in todays online communities, those who know what i mean by what i just stated, and those who are obnoxious little farts thinking its a useful "mind game" they are trying to use to their advantage or just trying to piss you off. It worked on the OP and thats the OP's fault for being a little bitch and not having a competitive spirit. If someone tbags me for no good reason then i laugh at their immaturity, hunt them down for the rest of the game and shove my mildly salty balls down their throats. Next time someone tbags you, try to understand the difference of those who do it with a competitive spirit, and those who just want to piss you off and lead you to some gaming forums to talk about your disgust with such a harmless thing as someone crouching up and down in a video game.
You must have never played halo...
The only good thing about T-bagging is killing a player while they're doing it. Now that's fun, and serves them right.
I feel the same. I hate being t-bagged. Sometimes they'll catch me in a good mood, where I could care less, but most often I'll rage and start t-bagging back. Only reason I t-bag is if I get t-bagged first.
Agree I only do it when it's done to me then it's game on mofo... It's very childish etc. And to be honest it makes me wanna kill u more and I usually do lmao.