Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it.
There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag?
A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in.
I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.
Lets see how many feel the same.
I teabag so much that I have to take milk and sugar into pvp with me...
I've got a note set aside to drop the bag on you if we meet in pvp. - Frodo T. Baggins
I usually dance wave or point instead I think it's both more annoying but not as douchey at the same time
Kids tbag, adults don't. It's that simple.
I never T-bag, I'm a lady, I just curtsy after I murder my enemies. >:D
I'm still surprised that this bothers people...just don't think about it too's immature and stupid and sometimes funny and its just a video game so who cares Did people complain this much back in the early days of Halo?
Lol its a game loser
Ah, is it really that bad? I don't guess I care either way. I suppose now that I think about it, I rarely initiate with the baggin', but if it's done to me I tend to seek that guy out and do my best to bag em back a few times. Especially if they do it after killin me in a particularly unspectacular fashion. But either way it doesn't anger me like for real, just adds a lil stank to the competitive feel of the match. Rub some dirt on it guardian, you'll be fine...
I teabag all day erry day.Sometimes I respawn so fast I teabag myself.
Dude you have to tbag when you're doing skirmish and you have two random retards while facing a fireteam of 3 with 3500+ grimore and still wipe that whole team constantly by yourself.... On another note, if you suck ass, go suck ass in rumble not in small team oriented games
[quote]I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.[/quote] Get over yourself man. It's a video game. It's not like anybody is actually sticking their balls in your mouth.
I don't stick around to teabag. I'm on to the next kill or zone to capture.
Finally someone who agrees people think that being good at a video game means you can treat people like crap for not being and a message to all the ones like that out there I'm coming for you
It's just to add insult to injury.
I agree
Every time I see a Teabagger, I always have a rocket. I guess it's karma, because they usually eat it and get teabagged afterwards.
It's a bag or be bagged world... I prefer to choose the former [spoiler]Bag bag bag bag bag #TeamSalt[/spoiler]
I only t-bag when the British tax out tea. [spoiler] too soon? [/spoiler]
I agree with this because I only get teabagged by thorn users in trials. It is actually really funny when they teabag me after they win the first road because then they don't win anymore
I teabag all the time because people on this forum have conditioned me to hate this community.
Edited by The 4th Survivor: 9/4/2015 12:07:36 PMMy main is a human. Humans can't bow, so I have to bag.
Playing IB, my buddy gets NLB'd cross map. I turn and look at him, and couldn't help myself. He got a mouthful of Titan balls. That's what he gets for being such a scrub.
I only teabag after a well deserved kill of a blinkshotgunner. And then proceed to be cut down by his cross map felwinter shot. Sure it's immature and probably not the best idea, but it just feels right, ya know?
Tbagging is so ingrained Into my muscle memory from The Halo days that after any good kill, I Tbag away. I just can't help it. I just wanna Tbag you so good.
It's a game, and a feature of the game. It's funny but can be overused. Whatever floats your boat buddy.
About a week ago we were in a skirmish match. Against 3 people flashing their "flawless" emblems. About 30secs into the game my two team mates get kicked from the game and partychat. I stayed in and lost the game by about 400 points. They would always keep t-bagging me when they killed me. And then proceeded to send me a message saying "get wekt you noob" yes.. wekt.. I never once tea bagged them. But I'm happy those kids beating one person in a 3v1 game was the highlight of their lifes.