Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it.
There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag?
A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in.
I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.
Lets see how many feel the same.
Are you the angry 12 year old from the other thread? Lol
lol respect in a video game
I only do it if done to me. I mostly do an Awoken bow, as a show of a respect forr badass fight. If an enemy and I are melee fighting and I'm like 5%-10% health, yet win. I bow for respect for a great fight.
Who cares? It's a game, not a gentlemen's sport. If you had posted this during the days of halo 2, you'd have been laughed and somebody would probably teabag you irl
Actually.. [spoiler]Protip: T bagging a weaker minded/skilled player results in that player constantly rushing back to the same location[/spoiler] So basically you're helping your team by taking advantage of someone that can't grasp the concept that they probably shouldn't keep coming back for more punishment.
I teabag if I get teabagged. One game this guy kills my teammate, teabags him, then drops a nova bomb on me, just me, and starts to teabag me. I'm like, "you what? Let's go then!!" I then proceed to annihilate his team including him and teabagging him exclusively. I sent him a message after saying "don't teabag..." And he apologised saying he doesn't teabag usually.
Been T-bagging since halo. Nothing is stopping me, it's a habit now. Doesn't matter who you are, I'm slamming my balls all over the face of your dead corpse! :D
Cant stop wont stop
I usually dont tbag unless im teabagged. I do however like when an enemy kills me then waves. Its like a challenge. Player to player. Something you could never experience in pve.
-'s just a game.
A tbag post a day keeps the noobs away
People like you are the reason I tea bag.
I like giving a good player I just defeated the Awoken bow. Shows respect and it's classy as f u c k.
I would probably start T-Bagging again just for you.
Edited by Jimmy Rustlerrr: 9/4/2015 2:55:24 AMLol I just uploaded a t-bag montage. I'm not even that good but at least above 1.0 with all guardians. I just think t-bagging is funny and simple things like that just make me laugh. [url=]voidwalker t-bags[/url]
Who cares about getting t-bagged? You already died, that's the part that sucks....
Quit dying and its impossible to get t bagged
You seem like the person I would t-bag.
Lol grow up its a game
If somebody is acting all superior and bad ass they get a tea bag
I only tbag people that use thorn last word and blink shotgun
Oh boy I can't wait to see your crybaby ass in crucible. [spoiler]slow drags[/spoiler]
who* T-bag - please change this, thanks.
I use to be like u and cares about my enemies feelings until they began t bagging me, now it's all i do in crucible. No mercy. No regrets. #Vote4Trump
I bag people who bag me first.