Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I'm still going for it.
There is a common understating that if you are good at crucible or get a awesome kill then you can t-bag and piss people off as much as you like to show you are superior. I say that is totally wrong and shows how immature you really are. The scoreboard shows how you did regardless so why t-bag?
A good player in my book is the one who treats other guardians with respect even if those guardians are not close to your level. Try and help people who are not that good so that they can improve and be more competitive. Even if you can't do that just move on..... the other player is already disappointed that his team lost or he/she did bad . You don't have to rub it in.
I am very salty when it comes to t-bagging. I hate it and would never do it to anyone.
Lets see how many feel the same.
I only t-bag if the person really deserves it like if they t-bagged first but other than that I'm right there with you
I T-bag shotgun rushing titans for strategy. They get mad; rush more and more and keep dying. (:
I've been a t bagging son of a bitch since CoD 4. I don't give a shit if I go 1-10, I'll still t bag the 1 and only guy I kill with hopes he will go to the forum and write a big ol' post about it.
I T-bar because it makes the the game fun. It makes a rivalry between you and the person you are t-baging
T-bag squad, unite!!
I only t-bag when I kill a sunbreaker. Or a storm caller. Or a blade dancer.
We t-bag to see posts like this, to get people's jimmies rustled enough to make big posts about them. My work here is done.
I only T-bag when A:there camping with a sniper or B: they are crouched down by a corner with a shotty, and then there's C: this is when they T-bag me even when they are losing and last on the leader board. When I get T-bagged for no reason. I go on a rampage and destroy the Crucible match with my mighty nuts
Last time I checked video games are about having fun... AND IF I WANNA MAKE YOU MA BITCH I WILL DO THAT MOTHER-blam!-er
Your reaction is why I tbag :) Get salty and die crying!!
I bag whoever and whatever I want whenever I want! Teammates, enemies, ammo crates, master rahool, the purple ball, nothing is safe!
It's not the t bagging its the mentality behind it
Edited by Silvanthis: 10/2/2015 10:09:01 PMI love to put my salty nutsack into my enemie's mouths. It's a fetish, leave me alone.
I only tbag snipers.
You make it seem like the only people that t-bag are the folks that are doing well. In my experience, it's the folks that are just jerks in general and is not at all related to how well a person is doing.
Edited by Vehks: 10/2/2015 9:58:56 PMI guess I can agree with this, very rarely do I get bagged by good people, it's usually the bottom list scrubbo that does the bagging from what I've seen. I don't mind it, though, because more often than not they can't even Tbag right and one of my teammates will kindly put a bullet in his head while he tries to show off.
I only bag if someone bags me for no reason... Normally it's because I've been wrecking them but they managed to get one lucky shotgun kill on me haha
I tbag chumps who sit and corner camp with their "primary" shotguns. You wanna try and camp and just move from corner to corner like a chump, my nuts are slamming your face. I don't care if I suck at pvp. Play like a bitch, you get nuts in the face like one. Played a rumble match the other day and some chump running striker was just camping out on twilight gap moving from corner to corner with his shotgun and only his shotgun. You kill him, he goes back to the same spot. Sad and so cheesy. I kept smacking him around with my sword hilt when I was working on my sword bounty. He was a little angry. Hahaha.
I t-bag to show dominance whether it is in a game, at home, at work, or while grocery shopping. It is completely acceptable.
It's hard for me to tbag now because [i]i -blam!-ing just do a backflip[/i]
You clearly never played halo
I only get mad if I can't do anything about it. It sucks when you're playing skirmish without a team and you come across the 3 man fire team of a-holes and they bag for no reason. 90% of the time my teammates leave and I'm stuck 1v3 in a coordinated endless barrage of nuts on my face...
How my nuts taste?
Like deez nutz in yo mouth
You are playing an online videogame, who gives a -blam!- if somebody t-bags. I don't think your opponent is looking for your respect, I'm pretty sure he's just looking to kill you and maybe rub it in your face a little as well.